Base64 Encoder/Decoder Online

Online Base64 encoding and decoding tool. Convert text and binary data to and from Base64 format. Support for UTF-8 and multiple character encodings.

Base64 Conversion

Input Format:
Output Format:

Base64 Knowledge:

What is Base64?

Base64 is an encoding scheme that represents binary data using a set of 64 printable characters, allowing binary data to be safely transmitted as ASCII text.

Encoding Principle

Converts 3 bytes of data into 4 printable characters. Uses A-Z, a-z,0-9, +, / characters, with = for padding.

Use Cases

Commonly used in HTTP, email, and other scenarios where binary data needs to be transmitted as text, such as images and files.


Base64 encoded data is approximately 33% larger than the original, but ensures printability and transmissibility.

Key Features:

  • Can convert any binary data to printable characters
  • Encoded data contains only ASCII printable characters
  • Supports text in any language and character set
  • Results can be safely transmitted between different systems

Common Applications:

  • Email attachments encoding
  • Embedding images in web pages (Data URI)
  • API data transmission
  • URL-safe data transmission
  • Certificate and key text representation
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