JSON Formatter & Validator Online | JSON Beautifier Tool
Online JSON formatter, validator and beautifier with syntax highlighting. Format, minify, and validate JSON data with error detection and tree view support.
Usage Guide
- Format, compress and edit JSON data
- Automatic syntax checking and error detection
- Support code folding and expansion
- Switch between light and dark themes
- Automatically save the last 10 records
JSON Knowledge
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format. It is based on a subset of JavaScript but is language independent.
Basic Syntax
JSON is built on two structures: collections of key-value pairs (objects) and ordered lists of values (arrays). It supports data types including strings, numbers, booleans, null, objects, and arrays.
Data Types
String: Enclosed in double quotes Number: Integer or floating point Boolean: true or false Null: null Object: Key-value pairs enclosed in {} Array: Ordered list enclosed in []
Common Uses
API data transfer, configuration files, data storage, frontend-backend communication, etc.
Key Features
- Simple syntax, easy to read and write
- Supports nested structures for complex data
- Language independent, widely supported
- Lightweight with efficient transmission
- Web API response format
- Application configuration files
- Data storage and exchange
- Cross-language data transfer
- Frontend-backend interface communication