Time Converter Online | Timestamp & Timezone Calculator
Online time converter for timestamps, timezones, and multiple time formats. Convert between Unix timestamp, ISO 8601, RFC 3339 and custom formats.
Timezone Conversion
Time Conversion Knowledge
Unix Timestamp
Unix timestamp represents seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 (UTC/GMT midnight), excluding leap seconds. Common formats include seconds (10 digits) and milliseconds (13 digits).
ISO 8601
ISO 8601 is the international standard for date and time representation, formatted as YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ. 'T' marks the start of time, 'Z' indicates UTC timezone, or +/-HH:mm for other zones.
RFC 2822
RFC 2822 is the time format specified in Internet email standards, e.g., Tue, 01 Jan 2024 12:00:00 +0800. This format is widely used in emails and RSS feeds.
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
UTC is the primary time standard, based on atomic clocks and Earth's rotation. It's unaffected by daylight saving time and serves as a stable time reference. GMT is practically synonymous with UTC.
Time Zones
Time zones are regions using the same time standard. They're typically expressed as UTC offsets, like UTC+8 (Beijing time). A zone's offset may vary seasonally due to daylight saving time.
Daylight Saving Time (DST)
DST involves advancing clocks by one hour during certain dates. Implementation varies by country, and some regions (like China) don't use it at all. This adds complexity to time conversions.
Julian Date and Modified Julian Date
Julian Date (JD) is used in astronomy, counting from 4713 BCE. Modified Julian Date (MJD) is a simplified version starting from November 17, 1858, equal to JD-2400000.5.
Leap Seconds
Leap seconds adjust UTC to account for irregular changes in Earth's rotation. They can be positive (23:59:60) or negative (skipping 23:59:59). The last leap second adjustment was on December 31, 2016.