Satellite Time Converter | GPS, BeiDou, GLONASS Time Systems

Professional satellite time system converter supporting GPS Time, BeiDou Time (BDT), GLONASS Time. Convert between different GNSS time systems.

Current Local Time

GPS Time System Results

Date Time
UTC Time:
GPS Time:
UTC Offset:
GPS Basic Info
GPS Week:
Seconds of Week:
GPS Time of Week (TOW)
TOW (Decimal):
GPS Date Formats
Year-Day of Year:
Modified Julian Date:
GPS ISO Format

BeiDou Time System Results

Date Time
UTC Time:
BeiDou Time:
UTC Offset:
BeiDou Basic Info
BeiDou Week:
Seconds of Week:
BeiDou Time of Week (TOW)
TOW (Decimal):
BeiDou Date Formats
Year-Day of Year:
Modified Julian Date:
BeiDou ISO Format

Satellite Time System Knowledge

GPS Time System (GPST)

GPS time started from January 6, 1980 00:00:00 UTC. It's a continuous time scale that doesn't account for Earth's rotation irregularities or leap seconds. As of 2024, GPS time is 18 seconds ahead of UTC.

BeiDou Time System (BDT)

BeiDou time started from January 1, 2006 00:00:00 UTC. BDT is synchronized with UTC but doesn't include leap seconds. BDT = UTC + 0.

GPS Week Number

GPS time is expressed in weeks and seconds of week. One week = 7 days = 604800 seconds. Week numbers start from 0 and roll over every 1024 weeks. First rollover occurred on August 21, 1999 23:59:47 UTC.

BeiDou Week Number

Similar to GPS, BDS uses week numbers and seconds of week. Counting started from 2006, with 604800 seconds per week. Due to its later start date, no week number rollover has occurred yet.

Leap Seconds

Leap seconds reconcile atomic time with Earth's rotation. GPS accumulates the difference without using leap seconds, while BDS handles them through system time synchronization.

Time Formats

Both systems support multiple time formats: week+seconds, day of year, Modified Julian Date (MJD), etc. Day of year counts from day 1 of each year, range 1-366.

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